Sunday, August 24, 2008

A Girl's Dream...Hardly! ~ by Guest Blogger Kristen Pemberton

Hi everyone! My name is Kristen. You may remember me from my Aunt Misty's blog,"Another Casualty for the Romance Genre." I'm the genius who made Hannah succumb to the charms of Sabrina Jeffries' book, The Dangerous Lord and Beware a Scot's Revenge. (Hannah, I know your shaking your head at the genius remark. Stop because you know it's true.) Since I'm a huge fan of my Aunt's blogs, I asked her when she was going write her next one. She generously offered to let me write a guest blog, and what can I say? I accepted! In the beginning, I wasn't sure what to say about myself or my life for that matter. But once I started thinking, I realized I could tell a fourteen year old girl's point of view on starting high school, trying to find your real friends, and the enigma of the teenage boy's mind. So to begin this blog, we will have to go back to the middle of June. My first boyfriend.

What is a teenage girl's top priority after you hit the thirteen age mark? Well, for most it is boys. I am in the most category. Anyway this summer, my friend, Susie, came over to spend the night. The entire night we were on Facebook talking to guys, and playing around. While we were checking out some pictures, we noticed some of our friends had gotten into an arguement on there over a guy. We jumped in trying to joke about the fight to calm everyone down, needless to say we were told quickly to keep out of it. We decided it was best to let it go, and I commented that the fight over the guy was better than watching a movie. The boy, who would eventually be my ex-boyfriend, thought that was funny, and he started chatting with me. At the time, I had no inkling of a clue that he might be interested. Of course, I got my clue when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I still haven't quite figured out why I said yes because I didn't think he was all that cute, and I'd never really liked his attitude towards people. After I said yes, the only thing going through my head was,"What did I just do?" I became more comfortable with the idea after a while, and excited even. My friend, Susie, was just happy I finally decided to get a boyfriend. From this point, we will call my boyfriend, Chubby Cheeks. We exchanged numbers the day he asked me out which was the biggest mistake of my life. Two minutes after I gave him my number, Chubby Cheeks texted me nonstop until we broke up. It drove everyone in my family insane because my phone was ringing constantly. Sometimes I would actually cut my phone off, just to have a moment of silence.

Then not even twenty-two hours since we had been going out, he told me he loved me. I wanted to faint on the spot but not from joy or any lovey-dovey feeling. I think it was terror. Hannah was like, "Kristen, he's crazy." I told Chubby Cheeks I didn't feel that way and probably never would, and he said it was okay with him. Couple of days later, I invited him to come over to my gram's to watch a movie with me, Hannah, and Susie. He brought a movie with him, and for some reason Hannah and Susie left me alone with him for like five minutes. This subject is disturbingly gross to me now, but I kissed him. It was my first kiss, and it was like kissing a horse with its mouth wide open. He slobbered on me. Yuck! I wanted to gag afterwards, and I actually never want to kiss anyone ever again.

The next day, everybody found out what happen since I'm the world's worst liar. My gram was so mad at me because she specifically said,"Don't touch each other. Don't even hold hands." My mother gagged about me kissing a boy, my Aunt Misty laughed because I told her it was nothing like the romance novel kisses, and Hannah hugged me and said,"Poor Kristen." It was horrible. Gram decided she didn't like him, and in came the nickname "Chubby Cheeks." This is where Chubby Cheeks' story ends. I broke up with him a week later because I found out he had lied about a lot of stuff. Stuff he did while he hung out with his redneck buddies. Yes, he was a redneck. *gag* I was so dissapointed with my first experience with the opposite sex. My mother explained there would probably be a long line of dissapointments to come, and I completely believe her now. Thank God for J.R. Ward which was my antidote to the whole situation. Go Black Dagger Brotherhood!

Aside from Chubby Cheeks, I love High School so far. I'm in the Air Force Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. I basically learn military bearing, how to march, and wear a uniform. It is awesome, and I would recommend it to anybody who can take orders well and handle themselves with self-discipline. Recently, I have been attending drill practice every Tuesday and Thursday from three to five o'clock. Let's see, last Thursday, this guy came to practice, whom we shall call, Adonis. Adonis moved here from Florida this year, and even my mom when she saw him was like WOW!*eyes pop out of head* Yeah, the whole package: six-pack, blonde hair, and blue eyes. *shudder* He's positively dreamy, and of course, I told my bestie, Susie this. Thursday, during practice, we were taking turns marching. Adonis, one of my guy buddies, some girl I don't know, and I were on the wall watching. Anyways, Adonis started pacing in front of me, and of course I'm trying not to drool. He wiped the sweat from his forehead which gave me a full view of his abs.*I'm drooling right now.* My guy friend said something to me, but it was a faint echo because I was so engrossed in what I was seeing. Of course, my friend repeated himself, and I turned away from Adonis to talk to my guy friend. Before I knew it, Adonis had walked up to me, and slightly punched me on the shoulder. It wasn't a we're buddies type punch, it was a flirty punch. Trust me, there's a difference. *Insert happy scream here* I just grinned, and turned back around to my guy friend. Adonis said,"Hey, do you like me?" I'm shaking my head furiously thinking how does he know. Then I remember...Susie! He replies,"Susie told me you did at Camp Freshman." Camp Freshman is a day where Freshmen go to the High School and walk around the school to get used to it. It is also where I first saw Adonis. I said,"I didn't say that. My friend, Crazy did." We're are calling one of my girl friends, Crazy, because that is how she is acting at the moment. He smiles *swoon* and says,"No, I think she was talking about you. So you don't like me?" Quickly I answer,"I didn't say that." He then ends the conversation by saying,"So you do." It was more of a statement than a question. I feel like an idiot. *frown*

That night I told Susie about everything. She told me it was that day she was going to tell him Crazy thought he was hot. But I had argued with her over it, while he was sitting in front of us, and he thought we were talking about me liking him. Then Susie reassured me that he doesn't like Crazy because he thinks she is weird. I tell Susie to find out Friday if he likes me or not. The next morning Susie walks into class, he mouths to her that he needs to talk to her. He gets up, gives her a hug, and asked if I'm single. ME!?!*another happy scream* He interrogates Susie for five minutes trying to determine whether I like him or not. He tells Susie that he is going to talk to me Monday! Susie told me that night, and I screamed at the computer. My mom was almost excited as I was. He is so hot and dreamy! My thoughts have pretty much revolved around him this past weekend. My dad threatened to lock me in my room if I even thought about going on a date. Then he said he was going to talk to him, if I did. I'm actually not worried about daddy more, I'm worried about my mom. Need I explain further. Haha! I guess I'll just have to wait until Monday! Keeping my fingers crossed!

Thank you, Kristen, for such a TERRIFIC blog. I love it! You had me cringing at some points and laughing at others.

Now for Kristen's readers. Do you remember your first kiss? Want to share? Was it everything that you hoped it be or was it purely pathetic? What about the dreamy guy in high school with the six-pack abs? How many of you are keeping your fingers crossed for Kristen? *g*


Anonymous said...

Yay Kris!!! Do we even know Chubby Cheek's real name anymore?(snicker)

I still haven't seen Adonis yet...tear.


Terri Osburn said...

OMG! I'm on the edge of my seat. Do we know if he talked to her yet? Seriously, this is just the distraction I needed. LOL!

Great blog, Kristen. Oh the memories. My first kiss was one of those "you do not stick your tongue in the other persons mouth!" and "yes, you do, I'll show you" things. LOL! Yeah, it was many years until I recovered from that traumatic experience.

But it's great once you find a guy who knows what he's doing. And that statement covers many areas. Not that I'm encouraging any other area activities. Or any activities. Oh boy, I'd better shut up before I get in real trouble. LOL!

Fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks Terrio! We didn't have a chance to talk today so I'm holding out for tommorow. Glad ya'll liked the blog!!! Haha Hannah and Susie...

Terri Osburn said...

*taps fingers on desk*

Fine. But I'm waiting anxiously for an update. This is better than The Hills.


Anonymous said...

Haha... I don't think my life being better than The Hills is a good thing. Haha. My friends and I are having some disagreements on some things at the moment so I won't know anything for sure until Wednesday. Who knows? Haha... I'll keep you posted!

Terri Osburn said...

Hello? Info please.

Anonymous said...

Okay... my friend has backstabbed me so um me and my dude are not talking right now. She is not a nice person but he told my other friend he really liked me so I'm as confused you. Hahah..

Terri Osburn said...

Am I gonna have to come down there?

You know, I just realized I'm having very similar issues right now. A friend is getting in the way of me and some guy. And we're all pushing 40. I didn't even realize this until just now.

Wish I could tell you this stuff doesn't happen when you're older but...well...I can't.

I say cut the middle man and talk to him your self. And I might just have to take my own advice...

Janga said...

What a great blog, Kristen! My guess is that there are very few women in the blogosphere who cannot relate to your feelings. Confusion is a common state in matters of the heart. I wish you lots of fun and swoon-worthy heroes in these next four plus years. And, trust me, one will come along whose kisses will be better than a romance novel. Sage advice from one who threw up when she received her first "adult" kiss. :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you Janga and Terrio...Both of ya'll that is great advice.